Six Little Ducks

To My Parents

I have sung the song, The Six Little Ducks, to my grandchildren and quite often added a seventh duck to remind me of my childhood. Seven little ducks that I once knew, off to the river they did go, the first little duck said…

I am the firstborn of the seven Herrera children. The first one is usually the “wave-breaker”. Yes, I remember quite vividly the responsibilities that come with being the first-born. I do remember being somewhat of a “challenger” and somewhat manipulative in my high school years. All of those experiences have made me the person I am today. The memories I have throughout my childhood and teen years have provided me the strength to be a daughter, sister, friend, mother, grandmother, and a partner in a long marriage.

I thank you Mother and Father for the example of partnership. I celebrate your birth, and your marriage today and each day for as long as the Lord gives us. Both of you have shown each one of us, endurance, patience, respect, and love. Thank you for those gifts.

I remember so well the evening I talked back while I was washing dishes. Mom and I had been “discussing” why I should be allowed to do more things now that I was getting older. She spotted a fork that I had just washed and it had a missed spot and threw it back in the sink, I picked it up and washed it and said, “there ! is that better!”. Mom said, “just for that, you will wash all the glasses in the cabinet”, dummy me, talked back again …. so I had to wash all the collector’s glasses up on the highest shelves. I must have washed glasses and dishes for 3 hours. Respect was the lesson, but secretly I just know Mom needed all those dust collector plates and glasses washed.

Thank you for the vacations. The month-long trips of exploring and discovery. With seven children, I realize now, what a sacrifice that was for you both. Some of my favorite memories are the summer weeks on the beach. Camping out in Doheny Beach, Carpenteria Beach, and others. I was a young teen and the “Beach Movies” had become very popular. I fantasized about meeting Frankie Avalon. Meeting other teens and coming back to share with my friends who hadn’t been to the beach. I felt so “lucky” to walk in the sand, to visit the Missions, to be in California.

I thank you for planting the seed of respecting nature and the beauty of the mountains. For teaching me how to fish, use a gun and bow, to sew, to camp. Also, the trips to the desert after a rain, just to smell the desert.

You, Dad, never hesitated to seek out new opportunities for us. With your 3 jobs to keep us in private school, you realized we probably would not be traveling by plane anytime soon. You managed to get us on a “free” flight on the Lufthansa Airliner when they were training here in Tucson. I remember, the pilot telling us we were flying over the Grand Canyon and when we crossed into New Mexico.

You, Mom, encouraged our imagination. Allowing us to put on plays in the backyard, to sing like Peter, Paul, and Mary, and making us “Davy Crockett” hats. Saving old white sheets, so we could make and paint our flags.

What child would not want the opportunity to conquer a mountain? You both provided each one of us that opportunity. While on the camping trips, we would hike up mountains and plant our “Herrera” flag at the top. I have been able to conquer many ‘”mountains” in my life because of lessons – learned from these camping trips.

I remember disappointments also. When I made the PomPom Squad and was not allowed to participate. It is hard to “let go” of the first child. I was angry for a long time, never really understanding until much later. Disappointments are also a lesson of character.

To my Parents

Parents of strength build relationships to keep the souls of their children in shape. Parents of strength give the best of themselves to each one of their children. Parents of strength realize life’s mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalize on them with their children. Parents of strength show courage in the midst of their fears. Parents of strength have faith that it is in the journey that their children will become strong.

All my love, Marty

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